Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Shopping - Date Idea #5

Don't go Christmas Shopping alone this year. Make it a date! Buy your gifts together during this wonderful time of the year. How much fun would it be to find your presents as you race around the stores looking for the perfect gift! Feel the excitement and anticipation as you search. Help your date get their presents too!!!

Bonus Idea: Take the gifts home and as a group and help each other wrap them. (Have each person bring a roll of wrapping paper and a pair of scissors. You provide the tape.)

Dress: Casual Layers

Cost: Medium (for wrapping and presents)

Temple Square Lights - Date Idea #4

Take your date to see the sparkle and experience the joy! Go visit the lights at Temple Square in SLC. The beautiful grounds are surrounded by the spirit of Christmas. The enchanting lights are magical.  

It is so much fun to walk around in the crisp winter air and remember why we celebrate this season. Take pictures, listen to the music, and watch the brilliance come to life. See breathtaking lights while enjoying the holiday spirit that truly emanates from the whole experience.

Courtesy of Ashton Barney

Bonus Idea: Go to the Lion House Pantry for a cup of hot soup and one of their famous rolls!

Dress: Casual Warm

Cost: Free (+ Soup and Roll)

Courtesy of Ashton Barney

Cookie Caroling - Date Idea #3

Get together to spread some holiday joy! Grab a date and other couples that are great cooks (and singers) and bake some treats! Make some cookies, decorate them, and go out to people that need some cheering up. Sing a carol or two and give them a plate of delicious cookies you have made! You will get to taste some of your hard work, sing together, and give some service all in one day! The rewarding experience of helping others and working together will be rewarding!

Bonus Idea: If you aren't musically inclined, take your treats and doorbell ditch.

Dress: Layers (for when you go to deliver the goodies)

Cost: Price of Cookie Ingredients and Frosting

Ginger Bread Houses - Date Idea #2

Ginger Bread Houses! Decorative, fun, creative, festive and delicious. This date idea is a blast!!! It provides a chance to create together something magical. A beautiful masterpiece that tastes SO GOOD!

This activity can be very low cost. Do a potluck! Have everyone bring something to use to decorate (you provide the gingerbread and icing, and they bring the toppings) Take your gingerbread, design your house, and build! After you get the structure, then use the decorations to make it look amazing.

Get together a group of couples and begin celebrating the upcoming holidays! A warm inside activity with laughter and anticipation as you make your Ginger Bread House.

Bonus Idea: Work together as a couple to make a gingerbread house. At the end give out prizes for most creative, best looking, biggest house, etc!

Here are some ideas for gingerbread houses to inspire your own decorating.

Cute Mountain Cabins

'Over the Top' Ginger Bread Castle!!

Dress: Casual

Cost: Gingerbread and Icing

Sledding - Date Idea #1

Sledding could very well be one of your favorite dates ever! What is more fun then sledding down a snow-covered hill in a winter wonderland? The chance to be outside in the crisp fresh air combined with the exhilaration of the ride. This date will give everyone a chance to be kids again! A chance to remember and re-experience happy childhood memories. 

Sledding is just full of joy and happiness. As this date idea only requires warm clothes, this date could be 100% FREE! Just grab your sled and take your date to a favorite sledding hill and enjoy this wonderful time of year!

Bonus Idea: After having a great time sledding take your date with the other couples to get hot chocolate and maybe play some board games!

Dress: Warm Casual (it's cold out there)

Cost: Free (+Hot Chocolate)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why Date? and UnSteady!

Why should you date? It seems that a lot of teenagers today just don't date anymore. They might socialize in other ways by hanging out, using social media, or texting. I think this is so sad because they are missing out on a huge opportunity.

Dating gives young people a chance to have a great time as they get to know each other. Before one is married they can 'look' around and interact with a lot of different guys and girls. Once they are married they have chosen their special someone that they what to live with forever. Youth should take this opportunity to go on dates with a lot of different people. This is our chance to find out what we like, the personalities that we enjoy being around, and who we can work with.

Another thing dating offers is a chance to learn how to be a gentleman or a lady. Guys will plan the date, open the doors, pay for the activity, and treat the girl with respect and consideration. Girls will be polite, thank the guy, make conversation, and give him her attention . I love this quote...

If teenagers don't go on dates young men will never learn how to be gentlemen. On the same note, young women will never learn to expect to be treated like a lady.

A lot of teens think that as soon as they start dating, they should get a boyfriend or girlfriend. I love the book UNSTEADY DATING. It teaches youth the right way to look at dating and how to avoid premature relationships and disappointment.. I challenge you to read this book before you go on your next date--it can help you so much.

With all of this in mind you will now be able to have the funnest teenage years you could imagine!!! Use this blog to help yourself with dating ideas, or add your own to the collection. Here's to your next date!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Welcome to "What's your Next Date?"

The goal of this blog is to inspire you (and your date) to go and do awesome things! This blog will give you the tools to get you started on the perfect dating 'career'. Nobody likes to (or can) spend tons of money on lots of dates, and everyone wants to have a great time. Feel free to comment on how your dates went or with ideas of your own that can be added to the "What's your Next Date?" collection. Help build the growing community of young people who want to enjoy fun and creative dates just like you!